
Top view of the MicroBean module

The Microbean is a very flexible and space-optimized multi-sensor platform, designed for low power consumption, easy integration and extension.

It integrates two microcontrollers, a powerful ARM Cortex-M33 with FPU and power efficient ARM Cortex-M0+ with Bluetooth LE 5.2 capabilities, in a complementary design.

Depending on the use case, each microcontroller can be used stand-alone or together, giving the maximum flexibility for power optimizations to the user.

The rich set of on-board sensors allow flexible data collection: Environmental Sensor (BME688), inertial measurement unit (LSM6DSx), ambient light and ToF (SI1153), analog microphone (CMM-2718) and a 3x3 LED matrix.

Further, several peripherals such as UART, SPI, I2C, ADC can also be accessed through the Microbeans various solder pads. This allows a simple extension with custom sensors and further circuitry.

LeafCutter and Rhino

Close view of the LeafCutter chip inside a board cavity and wire-bonded
Close view from the top of the Rhino chip inside a board cavity and wire-bonded
Close view from the top of the LeafCutter chip inside a board cavity and wire-bonded
Carrier board for the LeafCutter chip with its cavity in the center
Carrier board for the Rhino chip with its cavity in the center

Test Boards with a cavity for the chip placement.

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